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Software layer on our own measurement systems that enables defining measurement campaigns without any programming experience. It supports a wide range of measurement types such as clocked or triggered analog/digital input, analog/digital input on demand, CAN busses and much more.

How it works

INDATA is the software layer on top of INDAQ. INDAQ can be used with your own software, but you only get the full benefit of the ITM suite when you use INDATA.

INDATA is an acquisition program that support a wide range of measurement types such as clocked analog/digital input, triggered analog/digital input, analog/digital input on demand, CAN busses and much more. The software based on a configuration file which you can draw up yourself, or which can roll out of DataManager.


  • a Easy & cost-effective

    • Intuitive user interface
    • Immediate visualization of the acquired signals, and notification of errors
    • No more programming skills required to execute a measurement campaign, reducing the cost
    • No more data loss due to software bugs, just click and measure
    • Automatic integration with DataManager
  • b Flexible & robust

    • Wide range of acquisition cards supported
    • Fully compatible with all INDAQ components

Other products from ITM suite

  • DataManager

    Web-based management & processing software

    Web-based tool for experiment configuration, data processing and storage. Its objective is to lower the cost of measurement campaigns and to increase the return of your data by automating the acquisition, management and preprocessing of measurement data. DataManager allows you to focus on your core activity: convert the information into knowledge. The platform is also ideally suited for (remote) monitoring applications.


    General purpose hardware

    Flexible, robust systems with intuitive connectivity that allow for high quality measurements with limited expertise requirements. Modular, configurable 19” rack system for analog and digital acquisition, as well as a range of compact, standalone, battery-powered systems for data acquisition and control.